Friday, February 02, 2007

Hello and welcome to the Virus Report! Our mission is to bring you the latest news on Viruses, Worms and any kind of self-replicating code. We are working closely with The Virus Encyclopedia and many of the reports in this blog may end up as entries there.

Posts will usually be about the latest most prominent virus or worm that is spreading on computers and will contain an in-depth analysis of the code's inner workings and behavior (at least as in depth as we can make it at the time). We will also discuss new infection techniques, the latest in activities of prominent virus/worm creators and operating system exploits or anything newsworthy in the world of viruses and worms.

Generally we take a positive view of viruses and worms, particularly those that were created to demonstrate new concepts, were created out of the curiosity of the creator or that do not have a destructive payload. The ones that were created to destroy files or entire computers and those created to open holes for data theft are looked down upon (or rather, their creators are, as the viruses and worms themselves can be very interesting). Creating an original virus or worm takes a great deal of computer knowledge, and this should be admired on some level, even if the intent is malicious. On the other hand, "script kiddies" who compile other people's code or, worse yet, use a virus/worm generator are deserving of the worst contempt.

This blog deals primarily with viruses and worms, but may occasionally discuss system vulnerabilities, exploits, trojans, adware and spyware where they are relevent to self-replicators.

As we have a virus/worm wiki to work on, real jobs and something resembling a social life, it may take a little while to get things started. In the mean time, if you really want to get news and information on viruses and worms, you can do it the way we do, by going to all of the different sites that only focus on one aspect of malware and piece it together to get the whole picture of that particular virus or worm. We will make this easier for you by posting some links.

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